Global Petroleum Service and Consultancy

Global Petroleum Service and Consultancy is a growth product of Global Petroleum Business & Trading (GPT) that was founded in 1997.

As part of GPT, with its long-established track record of expertise in the region’s oil and gas industry and being key drivers of its workforce, we fully comprehend the industry’s ever-present demand for personnel of high calibre. GPSC takes pride in aspiring to be an industry leader in the provision of tailored career development and training solutions designed by and for quality professionals.

Our scope of comprehensive course content is aimed at empowering talented professionals in all vital aspects of industry activity, from key foundational skills, through to organizational management, in addition to state-of-the-art technologies, and specialist engineering tuition.

Contact Info

Al Reem Island, Addax Tower 52nd floor 5202 / 5201 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 2 632 5441